

Conor Kavanagh

I will never forget the support I’ve received it’s set me on the right track in life.

Conor Kavanagh, Offaly

Hi I’m Conor I’m going to tell you my story about Attending the Step Up Project Tullamore and Youth work Ireland Midlands Tullamore.

I found out about the Step up project in Tullamore after going through a difficult time with school.

When I first went for a meeting with Martina McLoughlin project Co-Ordinator and Margaret Charles Support Worker. I was asked what would be my dream Job? I said can I think about it for couple of days and then I came back to them and said I would like to be a Nurse.

I attended many different classes like first Aid with a Paramedic which was great as I’m really interested in healthcare. We also did classes in how to speak up for yourself and have your voice heard. We had classes in Personal Care, Healthy Diets, Meditation, Cooking, Budgeting, Minding your Mental health. They Also had a Trained Counsellor attend the project once a Month.

Margaret and Martina both came up with a progression plan for the upcoming academic year of 2020. I applied with the support of both of them to the Tullamore Community Training Centre for a Course in Early Childhood Education and Care support. I’ve been really Enjoying this Course I did Work Experience in a Local Charity shop and hope to do work Experience with the Irish Wheelchair Association this upcoming Academic Year.

I want to progress to do the Pre-Nursing Course for September of 2022 from doing this I can apply through the CAO to Irish Universities and UCAS to Universities in the UK on to Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Nursing.

Martina and Margaret have both Encouraged me and have believed in me that I will become a Registered Staff Nurse one day.

I started attending Tullamore LGBT Group in January in Youth Work Ireland Midland Tullamore and have loved it they to Encourage me to Follow my Dreams! I’ve met many new friends who are like me and I really feel Accepted in a Community of people who are Gay like me or are LGBTQ+ or even Ally’s attend the Group. We’ve done many different things like attend Birr outdoor Centre, Tayto Park, Music Therapy Classes, Equine Person development Programme, Pride Party and many more.

They’re both really great Projects. Sadly the Step up Project will be finishing up which will be great loss to the Young people in the Offaly Region.

I will never forget the support I’ve received it’s set me on the right track in life. The only pity is Step up won’t be here to help more young people like me.

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